WHY CHOOSE ICASHLOANS ? : When you need cash quickly you want to work with a service that is reliable and experienced in the payday loan industry - iCashLoans is both. We pride ourselves on connecting our customers with the best payday lenders to meet their needs. Why waste time visiting dozens of websites trying to figure out which lender will serve you best? iCashLoans is the only site that you need to visit when you’re looking for a fast, secure payday loan.

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About Us:

Our services are designed to help you find a reputable payday lender to work with. iCashLoans has a large number of lenders in our network, and we are confident that we can assist you in obtaining the best payday loan to meet your needs. Everyone hits a rough patch financially at some point, and payday loans are a great solution for short-term cash flow problems. You don’t have to worry about how you are going to pay an unexpected bill, or cover an emergency expense, between pay checks - iCashLoans is your source for finding payday loans. Using iCashLoans is 100% free to you - we do not charge any fees for our services. When you use iCashLoans you will save time and money. All you have to do is provide us with basic information and we will instantly search our network of lenders to find you the loan that meets your needs. At iCashLoans we pride ourselves on working with lenders that are fair and honest in their lending practices. Our main goal is to provide you with a great experience when searching for a payday lender. All lenders in our network are required by law to follow all of the rules and regulations related to payday lending. Don’t drive around town to visit payday loan shops, and forget about looking at website after website trying to find a loan with fair terms. iCashLoans is the only place you need to go to find a payday loan. We will search our vast netowrk of lenders instantaneously to find you the loan that you are looking for.

Some lenders in our network may automatically roll over your existing loan for another two weeks if you don't pay back the loan on time. Fees for renewing the loan range from lender to lender. Most of the time these fees equal the fees you paid to get the initial payday loan. We ask lenders in our network to follow legal and ethical collection practices set by industry associations and government agencies. Non-payment of a payday loan might negatively effect your credit history.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Get Rid of the Home Loan - If Yesterday is Too Late and 5 Years Seems Like a Long Time, Read on

Let's face it, no one takes a mortgage because they like its features.....

We get a mortgage so we can own our home and pay as little as possible for the privilege.

Mortgage lenders don't sell you a loan... They help you get a home, and the mortgage just helps make it happen.

Well, you own your home now, complete with the big mortgage. Now what?

Given you just want a home, the mortgage is like a wart on your nose. It might be part of you, but you'd definitely prefer it was gone. So how about getting rid of it.

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You'll find lots of good ideas on the net (I wrote some of them) on ways to reduce your loan more quickly and ways to find savings in your loan. All these are designed to shave some years off your loan. Many of these are terrific ideas. A 5 year saving on your loan term might not seem much at the beginning of the loan, but when you get towards the end, you'll be glad they are gone.

The trouble with all these ideas is that they rarely help you get rid of the debt REALLY quickly (like under 5 years).

Let's face it, if you owe $200,000 then that's what you have to pay back. We can slice and dice it into weekly and monthly chunks and do our best to reduce interest costs, and all sorts of things, but when you get right down to it, you need to find $200,000.

To do this you need a plan and a system that takes into account how loans work.

Your system needs to take into account the realities of your own life plus the details of your loan. Your family can help. It can be fun, but ultimately the reason for making the effort to get rid of your mortgage is to take your life back!

Kick the mortgage out of the driver's seat of your life, and climb in there yourself. It's time.

Time to spend more time with your kids or your spouse. Time to travel more. Time to take a more satisfying job. Time to start a family. Anything really. Time to get your life back instead of working to pay the bank.

A few quick tips can get you started.

Pay your mortgage when you get paid. It makes no sense to have your payment sitting in the bank earning nine tenths of not very much, waiting for the payment on your loan to be due. So if you get paid weekly, pay your loan weekly. If you get paid monthly, pay your loan monthly. Increase your payment by a little each year. As the years go by, these little increases start to become fairly significant. Sell unused stuff and pay the proceeds into the loan. You would be surprised how much this can save over the life of the loan. Finally - start hammering the principal amount you owe. Get serious. Down with the mortgage!

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