WHY CHOOSE ICASHLOANS ? : When you need cash quickly you want to work with a service that is reliable and experienced in the payday loan industry - iCashLoans is both. We pride ourselves on connecting our customers with the best payday lenders to meet their needs. Why waste time visiting dozens of websites trying to figure out which lender will serve you best? iCashLoans is the only site that you need to visit when you’re looking for a fast, secure payday loan.

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About Us:

Our services are designed to help you find a reputable payday lender to work with. iCashLoans has a large number of lenders in our network, and we are confident that we can assist you in obtaining the best payday loan to meet your needs. Everyone hits a rough patch financially at some point, and payday loans are a great solution for short-term cash flow problems. You don’t have to worry about how you are going to pay an unexpected bill, or cover an emergency expense, between pay checks - iCashLoans is your source for finding payday loans. Using iCashLoans is 100% free to you - we do not charge any fees for our services. When you use iCashLoans you will save time and money. All you have to do is provide us with basic information and we will instantly search our network of lenders to find you the loan that meets your needs. At iCashLoans we pride ourselves on working with lenders that are fair and honest in their lending practices. Our main goal is to provide you with a great experience when searching for a payday lender. All lenders in our network are required by law to follow all of the rules and regulations related to payday lending. Don’t drive around town to visit payday loan shops, and forget about looking at website after website trying to find a loan with fair terms. iCashLoans is the only place you need to go to find a payday loan. We will search our vast netowrk of lenders instantaneously to find you the loan that you are looking for.

Some lenders in our network may automatically roll over your existing loan for another two weeks if you don't pay back the loan on time. Fees for renewing the loan range from lender to lender. Most of the time these fees equal the fees you paid to get the initial payday loan. We ask lenders in our network to follow legal and ethical collection practices set by industry associations and government agencies. Non-payment of a payday loan might negatively effect your credit history.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

How to Raise Credit Score Quickly - Give Your Credit Score a Make Over

Many people who find themselves in the midst of financial turmoil and credit record mishap have one common question in mind: How to raise credit score quickly. Now the question is, are you one of them?

A less-than-ideal score can make you pay more for your loans, mortgages and credit card debts. It is important that you quickly turn this whole thing around and start getting back on your feet. Here's how:

1. Know what your current score is. Before you start taking some actions, try to see where you stand first so that you can set goals to reach your desired score. The more you know about your status, the more you can figure out how to raise credit score quickly.

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2. Although contrary to what most experts say, pay those cards that are near their limit. In this case, it would help if none of your cards are over the limit already.

3. Limit the use of your cards. Avoid impulse buying. Try using your cards lightly.

4. Use your old cards. Incur a small amount of charge and pay it off in full.

5. Ever heard of a "goodwill adjustment request"? This is one option for good customers that they can ask from their lenders. If the lender does not approve of it, then you could at least ask for re-aging your loan. Having a second computation can buy you time in paying off your loan without going over the limit.

6. Resurrect unclosed bill disputes. If you have bills that are in collection agencies already, review them well and protest the charges that you think are not yours. Your goal here is to lower your bill in the collection agency so that when the credit bureau investigates, they won't bother to verify your account anymore since the bill is small.

7. Correct any false information about you in your report. Errors like late-payments, lower limits and other information can add to the negative image of your report.

8. Learn from the experiences of other people on how to raise credit score quickly.

Aside from these helpful tips, there are also some things that you should avoid. Never request a creditor to lower your limits. This could reduce the gap between your available credit and your balance which could be bad for your score. Also, avoid making delayed payments on your loans. Missed payments could pull down your score to as much as 100 points. Merging all your accounts in one big account is also a no-no. It would be better to have smaller balances in a few cards rather than piling up the bills on just one. And lastly, do not open new credit when you already have existing ones that could be used.

Follow these tips on how to raise credit score quickly and you will surely be on your way to a better financial condition.

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